Friday, September 20, 2024

Question Period Daycare Without Supervision

Today's Question Period in the House of Commons descended into chaos, resembling a daycare without supervision. Conservative and NDP MPs engaged in childish bickering, while Liberal MPs sat back and enjoyed the show from their prime seats in the House.

The absence of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is currently attending other business, seemed to contribute to the lack of decorum. Without the Prime Minister to rein in the rowdy MPs, the chamber erupted into a cacophony of insults and point-of-order attacks.

The verbal sparring continued for several minutes, with both sides refusing to back down. The Speaker of the House, repeatedly called for order, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Amidst the chaos, Liberal MPs sat back and watched with amusement. They seemed to relish the opportunity to see their political opponents tearing each other apart.

The lack of respect and maturity displayed by Conservative and NDP MPs is a disgrace to the House of Commons, which is supposed to be a time for serious debate and accountability.

The events of today's Question Period are a reminder of the decline in civility and decorum in Canadian politics. It is time for our elected representatives to start acting like adults and put the interests of the country before their own partisan agendas.

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